December 1997
Dear Family & Friends:
Here it is, the New Year starting, and we’ve just finished our Christmas letter. We hope it reaches you before the twelve drummers drumming make their appearance.
1997 has seen a year of quiet progress for us. October marked the first anniversary of our being in our new home. While the interior decorating is still a work in progress, we love the house, the lifestyle, and the neighborhood. We have plenty of guestrooms. Come and visit us!
Under Steve’s leadership, Embry-Riddle is enjoying phenomenal new opportunities.
- This year has seen an unprecedented purchase for the ERAU flight line of Cessna 172 aircraft from Cessna’s newly-reopened general aviation factory. ERAU will be purchasing 300 aircraft over the next 4 years for both the Daytona and Prescott campuses.
- In August, the Daytona campus opened the new 1000-bed Student Village dormitory, leading to a 32% surge in freshman enrollment, with an 11% overall enrollment increase.
- A partnership with Atlantic Coast Airlines is the first in an expected series of partnerships to provide direct hire programs for Embry-Riddle’s pilot graduates: direct from graduation to the right seat of a regional airline operation.
- ERAU and AOPA (Aircraft Owners and Pilots Assocation) signed a unique partnership, providing free and discounted memberships to AOPA for all ERAU students, faculty, and staff, as well as access to AOPA’s membership expertise for ERAU’s many advisory councils. Additionally, AOPA will be returning a percentage of the membership fees of all ERAU alumni in scholarship funds to ERAU.
- Embry-Riddle continues to enjoy excellent growth in their athletics programs. Prescott has added a women’s volleyball team, and the Daytona teams continue to improve their national rankings.
Steve has been enjoying the school and community accolades that have accompanied these achievements, but certainly has not been resting on his laurels. He has many more exciting projects on the drawing board.
Nancy’s time has almost totally been absorbed by WebAdept. In April, she took on a new partner as Vice President of Sales and Marketing. Since that time, the company profitability has more than doubled, and staff and equipment resources have expanded accordingly to accommodate the new projects.
However, Nancy’s flying has thus been sadly limited. She did get the chance to visit Bimini and Marko Island in April, in support of the Great Southern Air Race. But in June, faithful Ned (our Mooney 201) found a new home in Chicago, with an owner who could give him the weekly exercise he needs. Since then, N3918M, a Piper Archer, has come to live with us. Owned by Alexis Koehler, 3918M enjoys a rent-free hangar and Nancy enjoys rent-free flying (when she has time!)
As you can see in the picture, she also has a new lower-flying vehicle. The Jeep finally gave up the ghost, so Nancy “down-sized” into a sporty Mitsubishi Eclipse convertible.
In spite of Nancy’s busy schedule, she has made time to investigate some fascinating new health and wellness technology that has recently been introduced in the U.S. by a well-established Japanese company. Based on magnetic field therapy and far-infared spectrum heating technology, we think these products will revolutionize U.S. health care in the next few decades. We’ve had great results in our own wellness with the technology, and have seen amazing results from people with serious health issues. Nancy has really enjoyed sharing the products with her friends and family.
Tabitha is still with JN4D, a Berkeley-based company that specializes in educational software. She has excelled in her work there, but she’s looking to move to the next level of career development. She is contemplating potential directions for graduate school, or a move to a publishing or advertising firm, if she can find a good job. The San Francisco area is still beloved, but with another major earthquake being forecast for the Hayward Fault, she’s ready to investigate other locales for the right job.
Honey, Chandelle, and Casper are all doing fine, as you can see. Honey is getting more and more gray hair, and only takes serious walks every other day. Chandelle and Casper are very attached, and Casper affectionately cuddles Chandelle’s face, whenever he’s not playing with her tail.
We wish you the best in the coming year: health, peace, happiness, and success!
Steve, Nancy, Tabitha,
Honey, Chandelle, and Casper
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