NOLA Visit

In Trips, Journal by Steve Sliwa

I convinced Brian Parsonnet to join me for a guys’ weekend to celebrate my birthday.  Our main goal was to enjoy the WWII Museum and listen to music while not over-indulging too many calories.  The museum was terrific.  In fact, we visited it both Saturday and Sunday.  Incidentally, the restaurant there isn’t too bad.  The exhibits were great, and we spent time reading up on many of the campaigns. We definitely graded it high.

We also visited the Aquarium and the Insectarium, which were well done.  We did note, however, that many of the insectarium displays were down at a 5-year-old’s level.  We got to pet some stingrays, which seemed to enjoy it.

Of course, we hit Cafe du Monde’s original location for some classic beignets.  We thought the best music was at the 21st Amendment.  The first night, they had a group with jazz xylophone!  But we also enjoyed music at Fritzels’s and Steamboat Willie performing at the Cafe Beignet.

Pictures (click on picture to start slide show):




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