Holiday Letter – 1990

In 1990s by Steve Sliwa

December 1990

Seasons Greetings!

1990 has brought some interesting changes for the Sliwa Family.  We are still enjoying the California climate and lifestyle, and we’ve stayed in our rented Woodside home despite the temptation of lower real estate prices in the area.

Steve’s company, Integrated Systems Inc went “public” this year.  Fortunately even with the softness of the stock market, the stock continues to do well.  Steve’s R&D group is releasing a new product this year, and has completed upgrades to several elements of the product line.  Steve himself has developed important ties with several Japanese customers, and has both traveled to Japan and learned the rudiments of the Japanese language to improve his rapport with these new partners.  (Nancy hopes to join him on his next trip to the Far East in March.)  Steve has regained his currency as a “pilot, and has rejoined his favorite flying club from his early Stanford day,  the West Valley Flying Club at the Palo Alto Airport. He also flies from San Jose International with some of his friends from work.

Nancy has changed to a management track in NASA as an assistant branch chief, and had the opportunity to serve 5 months this year as an acting branch chief. She helps manage a branch of 25 researchers that work in optical processing, robotics, computer reliability, and multiprocessing. Nancy has also continued her interest in flying. She flew in her first air race this year, the 99’s Palnls to Pines Race from Santa Monica, California to Bend, Oregon. She is currently working on her instrument license, and occasionally has time for former favorites such as diving, skiing, and sailing.

Tabitha is a junior at Woodside High this year, and is doing well in her schoolwork, helped by the fact that she has some exceptional teachers this year. Tabitha finished up a series of sailing lessons in May, and took the family out sailing. She also completed a basic scuba certification course this summer, with open water dives in Monterey Bay. She has had a part-time job at a neighborhood pharmacy for several months, but is leaving that job soon to allow more time for skiing at Tahoe this winter.

Given Nancy’s and Steve’s increased travel schedule, and Tabitha’s increased needs for transportation, we joined a national au pair program. Nuria Lopez Lopez from Switzerland joined us in March on a 1-year program as a chauffeur/ companion/chaperon for Tabitha, and has given us wonderful peace of mind.  Unfortunately, Nuria had to leave us in November, but we now have Sabina from Austria, who also promises to be a delightful addition to the household.

Honey has stayed her sweet, cuddly, and intelligent self.  Steve still teaches her new tricks, so she must not be old yet!  Honey also enjoys having Sabina’s company during the day for walks and frisbee-throwing.

Our best wishes to you for a happy holiday season and a joyous new year!

Steve, Nancy, and Tabitha

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