Mary had a little lamb. – Nancy Sliwa

In Nancy's Writings, Faith and Religion by Nancy Sliwa

Mary had a little lamb, beneath that star so bright.
The shepherds came, the angels sang, that distant holy night.
Mary had a little lamb; the boy grew wise and strong,
Fully God yet fully man, He taught us right from wrong.
Mary had a little lamb; His soul was white as snow,
He gave his life that we might live, to heaven we might go.
Mary had a little lamb; He calls to us today,
To yield ourselves within His love; Come, believe, obey.
Mary had a little lamb; He’ll come again in pow’r,
And every knee shall bow to him, His kingdom fully flow’r.
‘Cause Mary had a little lamb, the Lamb of God, you see,
Emmanuel, our Savior, King, Redeemer, Prince of peace.

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